School Meals

School Meals

At Brookvale Primary School, we pride ourselves on providing delicious, balanced meals for our children. Our wide, varied and seasonal menus encourage children to try, appreciate and enjoy a wider selection of food choices and global cuisines, whilst also teaching them about the importance of considering food choices in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

What will my child be given to eat if they choose a school meal?

All meals are prepared and cooked on site by our wonderful kitchen staff , using fresh vegetables and produce. The balanced menus are on a three-week rotation which is updated twice per year.

Every day your child can select:

  • A choice of hot meal with pudding
  • Fresh bread, salad and pasta and fresh fruit are always available
  • Children who have a school meal also have lunchtime drink.

Can my child bring a packed lunch?

Children do not have to eat a school meal every day, however, we strongly encourage children in KS1 to have a school meal as the cost of this is covered by the Government’s Universal Free School Meal programme for all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.

Please be mindful that many foods designed to be included in packed lunches often have high amounts of salt and hidden sugars. Our school menus have been carefully designed to include food with high nutritional value, low salt and low sugar.

If your child brings a packed lunch to school this is best kept in a soft, insulated lunch bag with an ice pack.

Please note, it is important that your child does not bring in any nut or nut-based products (e.g. Nutella/hazelnut spreads) into school as these can trigger significant allergic reactions in children/staff.

What about snacks?

Your child may bring a snack from home – however, we ask you to bear in mind our policy on healthy eating. Sweets, crisps and chocolate bars are not allowed as a break time snack . Please also refrain from giving your child nuts/nut-based products as a snack or in their packed lunch.

You can also pay for your child to have daily snack for the half-term ahead by paying through MCAS(see below for details).

Can my child bring a drink?

Children will have the opportunity to drink water throughout the day. We have drinking water taps located around the school. We encourage all children to have a clear plastic named water bottle containing still water that they can refill throughout the day. Your child may bring a flavoured drink for snack time or as part of their packed lunch. However, fizzy drinks and juices are not appropriate to drink throughout the school day.

Will my child have to eat everything on their plate?

We encourage children to eat a balanced meal but do not force them to eat all items on their plate. We will, however, encourage children to eat as much of their lunch as they can manage, so that they do not go hungry and develop a greater appreciation for food wastage. If your child brings a packed lunch, we ask them to take their leftovers home with them so you can monitor what they are eating.

How do I pay for lunches?

The price of a pupil school meal is currently £2.72.

Parents will need to sign into Relish where you can order your child’s school meal and make payments online. School lunches can be booked up until midnight the day before lunch service. Please note, you cannot book a school lunch on the day required.

Free School Meals eligibility

Since September 2014, all pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 in state-funded schools in England have been eligible for free school meals (UIFSMs).

In addition, parents of children from any year (Reception to Year 6) on low incomes/in receipt of certain benefits may be entitled to receive free school meals on this basis. It is easy for us to check if you are eligible for free school meals – all you need to do is give the school office: your name, date of birth and national insurance number, or complete the relevant form and return it to the school office with original proof of the relevant support payments. For those who are confirmed as eligible, the school will also receive additional Pupil Premium funding to help support their child at school, so it is really worth applying for this if you are eligible, even if your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2.

National Breakfast Scheme

We are delighted to announce that we have been successful in our application to be selected as one of 2500 schools who will be supported by the National Breakfast Scheme through Family Action. As part of this programme, all children across school will have access to a daily breakfast (bagels and spreads) completely free of charge. KS1 children also have access to fruit.