Head Teacher’s Welcome

On behalf of the children, staff and community, I would like to extend a very warm welcome to Brookvale Primary School. Having been appointed as Head Teacher in 2019, it has been my privilege, over the past three and a half years, to work closely with the dedicated team and wider community to take Brookvale forward in its next chapter of development.
As a school and staff, we are committed to ensuring that all children get the very best possible education and are provided with the opportunities that allow them to flourish and achieve their full potential. I am proud to say that we have a very talented staff team who support this aim; a staff who have the highest expectations for all of our children, not only in terms of their academic outcomes and behaviour, but also for their personal, social and emotional development.
By working closely with our families in a partnership, we are here to ensure that every child achieves as much as possible during their time at our school, eventually leaving us as the best version of themselves they can possibly be. We want our children to enjoy their education so that they learn to ‘value learning’, both in and out of the classroom, and can look back fondly on their time and experiences at Brookvale.
Our aim is to develop ‘global citizens for the future’ – pupils who are as well prepared as possible for the next stage in their life; articulate, ambitious young people with the strength of character, the confidence and the knowledge and skills to compete in a highly competitive world. We work hard to ensure our children are empowered to make a positive contribution to the diverse communities they are part of and do this through the promotion of our whole school values, which guide and govern all of our work within school:
- We are ambitious for our success and the success of others
- We are caring citizens shaping our communities
- We are passionate about everything and everyone
- We are the authors of our own lives
We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website and that it gives you an insight into our school. Should you have any questions or feedback, please, do not hesitate to contact us.
We look forward to meeting you and your child at some point in the future.
With very best wishes,
Mr Stuart Day